Mostly Cloudy/Chance Showers

Headache? Could've said hangnail and I still wouldn't have gotten laid because, if you think about it, the real appeal of pornography is that it demands nothing -- it doesn't ask you to fuck it when its hair is a mess or when it needs a bath or or when its face is broken out or when it acts miserable or when its baby is in the bed or when it carries around post-partum weight. And when its novelty wears off, you just click on the next link. I understand that a wife is so much more trouble. And I never wanted to cause trouble. So, the intellect battles the heart and so on and so forth and can you think of a more boring story? When you are feeling so alone and the wind is trying to crack you open and the whole world is a mud puddle, you should strap one baby across your chest and fix another one to your hip; nothing makes you feel warmer or more brave. Its called a wheel and its already been invented.
She said: What would it be like if there was no sunshine?
I said: Night. A day without sunshine would be like ... night.
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