There is a method of weaning a child from the breast called, "don't offer, don't refuse" and you do it exactly as it sounds. Of course, most babies will not naturally wean until well after their first birthday, and often times not until after their second. Weaning can be very traumatic and there are other methods but they are much less gentle. But I think to wean the older child -- and I mean the much older child -- the most effective approach is "slash and burn". So, RIP vulnerabilities. You only served to make me cry and break my thoughts beyond repair. And I don't use any drugs, so I remember everything. So I play this little game where I try to make all of the pieces fit and I can get it to work just long enough to make it really hurt. We are letting you get away with it, my blithe naivety and I. But a promise is a promise and you doubt my claim that I can do it. For you, I will. Because you are worth it.
And all of that talk about turning to stone reminds me: TLJ loves BS. Emphasis on the bullshit.
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