Friday, April 11, 2008

The Smell of Many Hungry People Breathing

You know that old "when you're nervous, just imagine 'em naked" thing? I don't do that. When I get nervous, I talk really fast and my palms sweat. But, I do this other thing that is kind of in the same vein but weirder, I guess. I try to imagine what people's guts look like. Does he have a cancer eating his pancreas? Are her fallopian tubes all mangled and twisted up? Is she lactating? Got an IUD in? Is he on any interesting medications? Are his arteries clogged and, if so, to what degree? But my morbid curiosity about people's guts was never strong enough to compel me to become a physician. Hate throw up, yo. Would be an occupational hazard.

I wish I could take away all your guilt and all her worry. But its like punching air. I just try not to add to it. I really do try. But I think I end up sounding like a singing gulagmeister. So, for that, I am sorry.

And I cannot fucking write in two minute increments.