Hi, There! How Are Things?

Quanah, let me clarify: you were just darling and you really had us inured urbanites scratching our heads over your honor system for fee collection and your main drag with a Sonic terminus was adorable, even by Roanoke standards. And while we won't be back, except for a friendly nod as we pass on through to points beyond, it isn't for a lack of warm Texan hospitality nor for your adequate lodgings noticeably devoid of the SI copy of The Gospel According to Gideon. No, we won't be back because of your under-abundance of fish and your over-abundance of no-see-ums. Quite simply: we are only liking your ecosystem as a friend. And if it makes you feel any better, we didn't even slow down for Lake Arrowhead in ugly ol' Wichita Falls.
Romo, however. We are coming for you and we're going to draw it out for a real long time and suck you dry until we are mindlessly sated. Metaphorically, natch, because we leave no trace.
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