You Are A Fantastic Beast, And I Know Where To Find You
What, can't a girl stare, be amazed, revel in her good fortune, her cosmic karmic luck? Over the course of twelve autumns, you have changed my perception of time, have made it slow down for me during nows of bliss and made it go faster during droplets of sadness, and you steady the world for me and know all of my spots and it needs to be OK with you for me to think that is fucking special, and I need it to be special to you, too. I told you to make up a religion where we get to be together forever and you told me to do it because you were too braindead from our sex and so that's what I'm doing and the first and highest holy of doctrinal belief is that we are special, so you need to TESssstuhfyeeee, Brother Criminal. I am an empath who cares, you are an empath that mirrors, and the world is at war! Let's celebrate at the beach or in a moonlit parking lot. We always ruin dessert; it is what we do and what we should always do. Give me one reason why we shouldn't, you can't, there is none, haha, we win. I love you.
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