Monday, October 09, 2006

Do You Want To Be My Angel?

Give it up to me. I'm smarter than the average average, so what's it to yuh and whaddyuh want? DNA for to make the smart babies? Intellectual companionship? Atrophy wife? I meant that last one to be spaced differently. "I think," I thought. Caveat tempura! or however it goes, whatchawhicheva it is. I'm not gonna lector you, but it is the biggest ticket item and I'm not sure you've given good and valuable consideration to the cost of buyer's remorse, and I'm not talking dollars nor making no sense. I'm not even genuis, Genius, just kind of in the genus; profoundly re-gifted. I just goog'd "define it" because I realized I never knew exactly what was meant by it even though it was a whispered wraith throughout my childhood and throughout several years of therapy, but I never really bothered before because, why? yuh know? who cares? But as soon as I clickeyed on the wiki linkey, I wished almost immediately that I hadn't because I felt like the curiosity-killed cat that got the cream and the only profundity I saw was in my spectaular squandering. But I took consolation in knowing that I've passed it on and will again to those who will be, Allah willing (I mean, fingers crossed), less disabled by crippling neuroses, existential depression, subtle but systematic dehumanization, and years of being misunderstood by several orders of magnitude. Personally, I was never especially impressed by intelligence although it was always a requisite in a lover. Only later, after before, did I realize I also required kindness in equal measure, and moreover, forgiveness. And only even later did I realize that a person only forgives to the degree that they love, which says to me: very, very much. This has been a long way of saying that you go on and you watch whatever T. Banks show you please and you keep whatever hours you like because I can forgive anything* because I love you for all days.
