Keep On, Keep On

A thousand apologies for not writing, its just that I've been so bussy lately; had an alligator up my ass, no - that's not how it goes. Wait. Yeah, it is.
Dreamer? Fuck you and that shit you're stressing. You will most definitely not be invited to the housewarming because you know what? Motherfuck a detractor -- can I get a what what (the fuck)? Worker is more like it; Mother, always; Heretic, sometimes; Sub NS, when he begs nicely; Botcher, Faker, Catastrophe-Maker, usually. Just the way with me. But thanks for reminding me that I was better off without getting any more "gifts" from you, like your natural virtuosity at kicking over a child's blocks when they've just barely got them stacked. Your child. I'll keep on kicking that shit 'till its gone and all the while secretly lamenting my conditioned disappointment over your arraignment of everything that describes my humanity. And I do mean secretly. You'll see that I don't really have a choice.
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