
Have I done enough to be brave and, if so, why am I still scared? I just want more hours spent in generosity and less in ultimate sorrow because I think I've truly paid, thus concluding my famous and last. But even with the best ambulance driver driving, we all still go alone; putting the brakes on the whole fucking way, like a dog to the vet or a kid to the dentist. But I just try to be beyond it, somehow, like being positive, except very less new age bullshitty, or like praying on it, except a very lot less praying, or like thinking outside the box, except very different words; something more social mores refusenik, like me. All further damning evidence that it isn't so much a translator that we need but simply the warm comfort found in the knowledge that there simply exists someone else that speaks the same language; intimacy, if you were so inclined to use theirs. But what I mean to say is that I make plans for the days or years after because I want to live for you and ours; honorable intentions for life and your always-down part-beast part-girl counterpart, but without the desperate or pejorative connotations of beatitude, poetry, or dependence.
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