Mutual Blow Up Society

Not like dolls, like explosions!!1!
There are no safe words, nor words that save, not any word for any of us that will keep us from our coming favelas, no matter what you keep, no matter how you're kept. And we are all kept. Don't kid yourself, babies.
But you didn't want me to talk about society, did you? No. You wanted me to talk about my orgasms.
He gives them to me, in the way bullies give black eyes and little brothers give goose eggs and doctors give shots. I am passive, but not a dead fuck. No, you would be surprised how much concentration is required right up to the instant of yielding yourself completely. You have to focus really hard. I like to start with a bath. I'm a bather.
First, I use this body brush. Once I had an expensive one from an expensive place, but that was back when I was rich and fancy. Now I have one I bought at walmart and it is eminently serviceable. The Tongan who first brushed my body taught me how to do it properly. It isn't like you'd think it is. He was a very big man, as you may have guessed. But he knew how to brush bodies like a fucking champ.
Then, I rinse. I use this scrub. It is mostly sugar and oil. I rub it everywhere and I rub it hard. It smells so good. This is the part where I feel my skin start to come alive. I only stop once I've rubbed it on every inch of my body, though I usually skip my face. I got other scrub for that.
I rinse again. But I use a washcloth to remove the scrub. It is thick and it persists in cracks. Gotta get it all off. Finally, I draw my bath for real. I make the water as hot as it will go and I fill that motherfucker to the brim so that when I get in, a little bit gets displaced over the edge but I don't care because I love implied metaphors. I lean back in it gently but then I usually sink all the way under, legs akimbo. I touch myself. I decide to shave.
I use a special shaving cream made for fetishists like me and I lather it on from my Achilles' tendons to my hips. I put it all over my pussy and my ass though I do not usually intend to shave those parts. At least, not shave them completely. I sit on the edge of the tub for this part. I do one leg at a time and I am slow and careful. I rinse the blade after each pass. I do it in rows, like how you mow the yard, starting the next row slightly overlapped with the edge of the previous one. I do not like to miss.
After the first leg is done, I scrub it again with a pumice stone and then start on my pussy. I prefer to shave just the labia, on the inside and on the out. I shave my asscrack, too, and I'm always careful right around my asshole because you seriously do not want to nic yourself there. Not because it hurts, exactly, but because later, lube will sting so bad it will feel like your face is melting off. But it does happen sometimes, so I just try my best to be gentle. I will admit that if I am drunk while I'm doing it, I can get carried away. You have to shave in all directions down there. I shave against the hair first, and then with it, and then perpendicular to it. Small strokes work best. Don't apply too much pressure. Less is more when you're shaving labia.
I make sure that all of the hair that grows around/near my clit is gone. But this is not as easy as it sounds because you have to make sure that you don't leave a rough edge, else it hurts a dick. I shave around it in a semi-circle, from pi/2 to 0pi and then from pi/2 to pi.
Sometimes, I shave in the crack where my legs meet my pubes, but not usually. That place is a recipe for razor burn for some reason. Friction and flop sweat, I guess.
Then I shave my other leg. It goes pretty much just like the first. I shave my armpits while the water is draining and then rinse myself before drawing the bath again.
The second time, I almost never fill the tub as full as I did the first time. Sometimes, I just rinse off and then not draw the second bath but if I have time and hot water left, I will. I make sure my pussy and ass are completely free from any remaining scrub or shaving cream. I want them to be perfectly clean and bare when I offer them up, especially if he decides to eat them.
I lay in the second bath and I feel my legs. I pinch my clit. I wash my hair.
When I finally get out, I dry myself with a towel but I leave my skin damp. I put on oil. I prefer almond oil that smells like coconut but I can make do with other kinds. I don't hate sesame oil but it doesn't soak in like almond does. Sesame oil is better for naked sliding, but almond oil works for that, too, so I guess you could use whichever (but almond is better.)
I put my hair up in a turban because I don't like getting oil in it and it is too long to keep out of the way with just a ponytail. I use q-tips in my ears. I swish some mouthwash. I dry my crack.
Sometimes, I will dry my hair and fix it and even put on make up and fake eyelashes and hooker boots or other slut wear. But usually, I am tired of waiting and so is he so I just put on a robe and go get in bed. That shit is just going to end up on the floor, anyway.
But I never, ever put on deodorant after I bathe in preparation for him. He likes my smell better.
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