I Thought I Was Going To Die (The "In Your Face" Edition)

"Inside of" -- as in, "I've never been come" or "I'm growing a baby" -- is redundant and I'm not sure that the value proposition of my parturient parts is enough to make him want to make me more, anyway. I'll adapt, whether I'm staked or only claimed, just as I always do, shape-shifting to satisfy the specifications of a sadistic scenery. What you want most will always walk behind the god of causality, the rules of this system, serpentine line like, like a switchbacked road, like the Bataan Death March. The universe kowtows to no one, not even to the clumsy supplication of a disharmonic iconoclast, a commitment junkie, a foregone conclusion and a fool's errand. So, that's why my plan never, ever changes: evolve, yo! All the while, I'll continue working hardish to be the best at building the better vanity card and all of the other things one does to get the things one needs: to justify one's existence. Scratch, scrape, stress: sapience. He smiles at me from underneath his arm which is shielding his eyes and I think to myself: what a wonderful world.
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