High on hCG an living on fear. Well, fear with the occasional chicken noodle soup, a flavor-blasted cheddar goldfish palate cleanser, and phenergan, for dessert. Criminal, those knots of terror you asked about? They're called constrictor knots and you are married to them now, if not to me, and your joy will always be tempered by them, by your vulnerability, by the slow or quick burn of mortality, and by the non-existence of immortality. But they are not altogether a bad thing: they are the sacred demarcations between leading a life worth staying alive for and one not; I've done both and I highly suggest the former. I should have volumes more to write but there are so many things in this life which words only serve to desecrate. Suffice it to say, I am nothing less than exultant to be carrying your child even if, at this point, it is sporting a tail.
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