Mohr Scale of Slickness: A Style Quite Dolby

Listen up, fear biters and submissive pissers: I ignore. I do as I feel inside. I live with me. I got my back, yannowhatimsayin? Yo, G, I'm not playin'. I'll go alone, I don't care. I make it look easy because it is to me.
Tell me if you've heard this one: a pregnant chick walks into a condom store ... and buys a future dog toy for her future toy dog. Get it? Yeah, real life is not so very sexy, it is just so very. No, no, no -- you know what life is? A walking algebra problem, a riddle. You want a good time; easily solved: I want to give you what you want. So, here's one I bet you haven't heard: All of my spades have been played and now? Now the working hour is upon me. I punch boys but not a clock.
I read the last thing you wrote and I liked it, I liked it. But, I gotta say, it weren't no tanka extolling the grace, wit, and pre-ser-veer-ence of your positively gravid bride. Not that I was looking for idolatry, exactly.
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