Death by Impressionism (everybody! get down!)

It goes dark; it goes darker still, pleeeeeease stay; you're just the most gorgeously stupid thing I ever fucked in this world. Because I didn't cut you, like in the song, 'twas you abraded me, kind of the same, and how can I possibly concentrate, with you in me, like this? Cobb County ever calls and I can only think of the place where the Santa Lucias erupt from the colder water of the Pacific and the place inside of me where I safekeep the image of your perfect face and the docile feeling it affects in me. Tit, I'd like to introduce you to Tat: life goes easy on me, most of the time, and the shorter story is: I non-platonically love you and will always and have always. A happy birthday tanka:
Hello One, Two here
I can't take my mind off you
Or our sticky mess
Twenty-nine is the best year
Ask any married woman
I can't take my mind off you
Or our sticky mess
Twenty-nine is the best year
Ask any married woman
It goes deep; it goes deeper still.