Domesticate Yourself

Tamed wolf cubs, felines, shrews, fucking schmucks, the devil's eggs; we'll all be eating them all someday. Helmet to helmet crrrrrunch, black hole brains rage in the post-penalty zone, misery parade, pleasure delay, so how did I get fucked ten ways five times to yesterday's tomorrow's 4 AM? Well? Well, well, just like you remember, crushing with seismic novelty, low testosterone commercials competing ironically with my oh, daddy! Now, 15 for taunting so get open and pray, pray to get open, opened is praying.
Shattered screen scream dreams drain brains, and more. Play your cards, as they come, as they are, as it were, as I want you to be, the most popular nirvana is not the best, Nevermind. Everything makes sense when you're drunk but I'm sober always, almost, so what does that speak to you, spaking only truth, as I understand it to be, spankings for all! Stolichnaya is the world's MOST original (?) vodka. And OJ is the least original juice.
The crust quakes, parts get bigger, some parts slip into cracks, liquefaction erosruption. It is mother fucking Mother Nature's big fucking O.
I kiss your weak and wobbly parts. Rest up. You'll need it.