What I Did Today (Corrosion)

It tastes like violence and burns like triflic acid so please don't tell me no more because I liked it better when I didn't know no six words back, back when I was just your little dumb pet. Now I'm just your big stupid pet and I think you had better explain yourself because I hate finding things out the hard way. Things things. You know, tell the truth for once in your life and not color lies with the prettier shades of reality. Besides, its for posterity and I will always adore you. Farm's wagered, heart is beating bleeding waiting on the butcher block, and I will never throw in the towel, unless you tell me, in very specific language, that you are done with me. So you go'on ahead and lay your mind's dick into whatever digital delight works best for you because I am too sad to give a fuck. I did notice that the worse you act up/out the more I get accused which is somewhere beyond ridiculous because I could not be more devoted or honest or faithful. But don't think I don't know from French platitudes nor that about which you were speaking, so long ago. Wife? Babies? (high-pitched Dixie) I bet you say that to all the girls. And I bet you find "inspiration" in more than just one place.
Hey, World! Here's some reasons you will ultimately find me not worth the effort of caring about (this is just a representative sample):
Today, I
Be'd loud when people were trying to sleep
Called too much when people were trying to sleep
Be'd too dirty
Be'd too messy
Spilled shit I was trying to eat (with chopsticks) while I was driving (in bad traffic)
Not tooked care of the car like I should've
Had too yellow of teeth
Told too vacuous of stories
Still didn't pay the gottdam water bill
Not got the right amount of paper towels
Asked too many insipid questions
Breathed in a scurrilous manner
Not shutted the fuck up
Called too much when people were trying to sleep
Be'd too dirty
Be'd too messy
Spilled shit I was trying to eat (with chopsticks) while I was driving (in bad traffic)
Not tooked care of the car like I should've
Had too yellow of teeth
Told too vacuous of stories
Still didn't pay the gottdam water bill
Not got the right amount of paper towels
Asked too many insipid questions
Breathed in a scurrilous manner
Not shutted the fuck up
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