Let Me Get Some Action From The Back Section

Is she, curious pause, just a friend? Please say yes, to everything that I ask, except the things I want you to say no to, like, like, like ... because I am just that gullible, always made me think of guillotine, not sure why. Always preferred how come, as far as that goes, never really knew the reason for that, either, but maybe the objective observation that I am the quintessential crackerette upper-middle class child-woman of the 80's goes a long ways towards explaining it. Don't it? Tell it to spellchecker; who don't like nothing none. And where have you got yourself to now, my Plaster Master? Me? I'm supine on an empty beach in Zihuatanejo in June, topless, careless, sunscreenless, gettin real Ra. Drinkless, too, because because because, think of a reason, think of the reason, now smile for me, for the camera in my mind, so I can remember how happy you were when we first found out we were. Now, going, going, gone, aaaand we're back. Today's the big day - you get that a lot, don't you? I wrote more things that you get a lot but not giving a fuck for punctuation or for fact-checking, I canned it, like a cherry, like a red tart cherry, like a sweet cherry, like a maraschino cherry. Like a comment, like a compliment, like a complimentary drink with an umbrella. It's a Top Shelf Half-Life so get used to getting used to things, like tequila barely drank drank drunk before bounce bounce bouncing, etc. etc. et al. Now you listen and you listen real good: no more husband jokes, unless you are the object of them.
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